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Mona Lisa



Mali, Africa : Lamarali - To set an example.

Russia : Obrazovanje - to shape, image.

Latvia : Audzinasana - To grow, to know.

Persia : Tarbiat - to cultivate

Farhang - Culture , Unlimited thinking, God's guidance, light, abundance

Arabia :  Tanwir - To make something beautiful, to bring to light. Latin (beatus-happy- beautiful.).
Ma'rif - to have knowledge of, to cultivate (human beings, seeds, animals).

Tibet :  To practice a lot

Indonesia :  Pandichikan - To transmit knowledge and wisdom (holistic)
                       Guru - Teacher, Guruh - thunder.

Sanskrit :  No word for "to teach", only for "to learn". Similarly, in Ancient China, Japan, and Korea.

Vietnam :  To teach and to practice.

China : Jiao yu - to teach, to cultivate (children, plants). Intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom. There is the unity of religion, education, and upbringing.

Latin :  Educere, educare  - To bring out, lead out.

Thai: suk-sa, sikha - to learn, to practice - Sanskrit - influence).

Burma: wisdom, affair.

Azari, Azerbaijan:  training, teaching.

Kurdish:  parwardah, parwar - a person who sacrifices himself, …who makes sacrifices.

Ancient Egypt: to lead out through the door towards the stars

Greek: schole : School, leisure- I use it in order to study.

Arabic : Madrasa- attached to a mosque: Lit. a place of study, ma-darasa)- he reads repeatedly, he studied- from.

Aramaic-Syriac : d(e) rash: he inquired into, he examined. Hebrew: Darash-cf. Midrash - Hebrew literature, study, exposition, inquried, investigated.

Persian: Dabestan: adab: moral, morality: Chinese: family -school, lineage ar

 Japanese: asobu: to play: (in general): to study ( university), to study under a teacher tea ceremony, relaxation trip, lying idly (Everything is a play! In polite language: You have arrived in Tokyo: You have played arrival in Tokyo I have heard that your father is dead. I have heard that your father has played dying.)


School of Athens by Raphael




Learning with fun

Training session for local teachers in Bali, Indonesia

The teacher should not consider himself as learned  and others ignorant.  Such a thought breeds pride, and pride is not conducive  to influence. He should speak with the utmost kindliness, lowliness and humility, for such speech exerts influence and educates the souls. 

A teacher, therefore, must be a mentor and a doctor as well; that is, he must, in instructing the child, 

remedy its faults; must give him learning, and at the same time rear him to have a spiritual nature. Let the teacher be a doctor to the character of the child and thus will he heal the spiritual ailments of the children of men.

- Unknown

XUE: To learn, and to use what one has learned, isn't that also joy ?"   

That's how Confucius began his most important book, "Analects". He finishes with a question. Isn't that wonderful?

Chiao - religion, to allow to learn.

                  Hsun - teach, instruct, to persuade. Radical 

Yen - a river, as the flow of the river, a flow of words.

to learn - enlightenment,

Intelligent - to listen

(the word "listen" also has the same letters as the word "silent".) 

   To listen - characters in Chinese - ear, mind, mouth, heart.

Stupid -The divine light cannot come out; the divine child cannot be born. 



Knowledge =  Benevolence

- Confucius

"What is knowledge? It is to know what one knows and what one does not know."
- Confucius        

What men call knowledge is the reasoned acceptance of false appearances.
- The Mother- Auroville  

He who issues forth in search of knowledge is busy in the cause of Allah till he returns from his quest."
- Mohammad

Verily, the men of knowledge are the inheritors of the prophet."
- Mohammad

Arabic: two kinds of knowledge - sacred and ordinary

Similarly in Chinese & Sanskrit.

Sanskrit - apara  vidya - ordinary knowledge

para vidya - higher knowledge.

All knowledge tends to being.

Arabia, Persia - Knowlege: Erfan: Inner knowlege, intuition. 

General knowledge - Ilm

        In ancient cultures the teacher used to be a leader and a healer  (China, India etc)

Confucious and education

Confucious and education




Confucius 551-479 B.C

The Chinese people have, to this day, kept the ideas of Confucius very high. Ideas such as  character development aimed at competence, moral integrity and appointment with merit.

       The twin pillars of education were then:

Moral instruction (priority) and

The imparting of knowledge.

His ethics codified the whole network of social relationship in feudal China. Confucius was primarily an educationalist; 

he was convinced that in teaching there should be no class-distinctions.

"What causes me solitude?"

"Neglect in the cultivation of character, lack in thoroughness in study, inability to move towards recognized duty and inability to correct my imperfections."

- Confucious

Whitehead and China

Education in "Whitehead and China"

"…Teachers, students and parents know that homework is given to instruct the student in preparation for "the exam". 

Parents and teachers hope that students will become, as it were, "studying machines", the teachers are "machine operators" and the parents "machine mechanics".

- Education’s Myths and Metaphors

in Whitehead and China by 

Wenyu Xie , Zhihe Wang and George E. Derfer

Related etymology

Related Etymology

To learn, to study: Enlightenment, China.

Intelligent: To listen, to hear, China

Stupid: The holes of the heart are blocked, the divine child cannot get out, no light, China

To listen: 4 characters in Chinese: 1 Ear   2 mind   3 mouth   4 heart

Enthusiasm: Greek:  Theos-God

German. Be-geist erung-Geist-spirit :Enthusiasm.

Mathematics: Theos: Perception, realisation,instruction.

Philosophy: Greek: The love of wisdom.

Philosophy: Sanskrit : To look at carfefully

Philosophy: China: Knowledge of wisdom

To think:Egypt: To see with the eye of the heart.

China: To examine with the heart         

India:   To perceive with feeling

Hebrew: To perceive oneness

Greek:    To conceive the unity

 German "to think" and " to thank" are related words

Latin: Information: in-formare- to form the inner self

      Personality: Latin: per-sonare (sound) -Godhead rings through man

To listen: Sanskrit: to obey, wise

Dignity (German:Würde): Latin:decent, docere: to teach, to learn,capable 

Gome sese -to listen

Creative: Vietnam: Bright(light) +to create.

Creative. Peace:Benin

Idiot : Greek: Idiotes: A private person looking only at his own private affairs.

Free will, power, ability, freedom: Reshut-Hebrew

Teacher: Leader, Healer : in most  ancient cultures

Te: China: The force of virtue which arises from unity with cosmic law.

Discipline: Tibet: To do what is appropriate and just

Phantasy: Greek: Imagination. Phaos-light. 

Vision requires light. To see with the eye of the heart.  

      To learn: Track -Old English

      Art : Arabic: Knowledge (wisdom) and technique.

School: Greek: Skhole: leisure

Education: Greek:

Paideia: Pais - child

Arabic: Ilm Knowlege: In Islam knowledge is sacred

Veda: Knowledge: India: Vid-I see, I realize, I know.

To learn: Latin: discere, Greek: mathein - mathematics, discipine.

History: Greek: "Historia": It meant at first:" Knowledge gained by inquiry"

Intelligent: Latin: to perceive with intellect and mind (feeling)

Intelligent. Vietnam: Quick at understanding + something bright, clear.

To learn, to study: China: enlightenment

Education: Somali: wound, birthmark

In philosophy
Learning in Islam

In philosophy

"The search for knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim."

- Islam. Hadith

"A good, all-round education, appreciation of the arts, 

    a highly trained discipline and pleasant speech; this is the highest blessing."

- Buddhism.Sutta Nipata

"Broaden your knowledge of the Classics, restrain it with ritual, and you are unlikely to deviate from the Way."

- Confucius, Analects

"There is no greater wealth than wisdom; no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture."

- Islam, Nahjul Balagha

"The parents of a child are but his enemies when they fail to educate him properly in his boyhood. Learning imparts a heightened charm to a homely face. Knowledge is the best treasure that a man can secretly hoard up in life."

"Learning is the revered of the revered. Knowledge makes a man honest,virtuous and endearing to society. Knowledge is the holiest of holies...and commands respect of crowned heads; shorn of it a man is but an animal. Knowledge, the higest treasure, is above all stealing. "

- Hinduism, Garuda Purana


"The end and aim of wisdom is  repentance and good deeds."

- Judaism. Talmud

"True learning induces in the mind service of mankind."

- Sikhism. Adi Granth

"Do not neglect the study of the Vedas."

- Hinduism. Taittiriya Upanishad

"O how I love thy law!  It is my meditation  all the day. "

- Judaism and Christianity: Psalm 119

"A thousand and a hundred thousand feats of intellect shall not accompany man in the hereafter."

- Sikhism. Adi Granth


"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

- The Bible.Proverbs 9 

"This is true knowledge: To seek the Self as the true end of wisdom always. To seek anything else is ignorance."

- Hinduism, Bhagavad Gita

"Knowlede puffs up,but love builds up."

- The Bible. 1 Corithians 8

"True words are not fine sounding;  fine-sounding words are not true."

"The good man does not prove by  argument; and he who proves by argument is not good;"

"True wisdom is different from much  learning. Much learning means little wisdom."

- Taoism. Tao Te  Ching, Laotzu

"Thou, Brother, art thy thought alone,the rest is only thew and bone."

The Mathnavi: Rumi, Persia

" First establish yourself in the way, then teach, and so defeat sorrow."

"To straighten the crooked, you must first do a harder thing : Straighten yourself."

- Dhammapada,Buddha


"How can a troubled mind understnd the Way? If a man is disturbed, he will never be filled with knowledge."

"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts, unguarded"

"All virtue lies in detachment"

"If you cannot quieten yourself. what will you ever learn?

"There is no fire like passion,

there is no crime like hatred, 

there is no disease like hunger,

there is no sorrow like separation, and 

there is no joy like the joy of freedom."

" Before all else, God created the mind."

- Abdul Baha

"Look for knowledge from the cradle  to the grave."

- Mohammed

All real education is self-education.

- Carl Jung

Learning in Islam

 "It is charity to learn, to act accordingly and to teach", asserts a tradition of the Prophet thus dividing the acquisition  of knowledge into a three-step process: learning, action and sharing."

According to Ibn Khaldun`s classification of sciences, knowledge divides into inspired knowledge (ilhami or wijdani) and acquired sciences  (kasbi). The first comes through religion, while the latter is acquired via sensory  and mental faculties  and pertains to all people. In Islam learning is not restricted to a particular social group or class. 

    A man`s value does not depend on his background, colour, class or race. 

    "Man`s value consists in what he knows or does well." 

Ali bin Abi Talib

In the tradition of the Prophet Mohammad:

"The superiority of the scholar over the pious resembles my superiority over the ordinary among you."

On the Importance of Knowledge, Learning and Teaching:

Forty Hadith, Assad Nimer Busool, Goodword

Hadith: Sayings of the Prophet Mohammad (collected by his disciples).

Islam is the religion of `Ilm (knowledge).

" If anyone seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter."          Al `Imran 3-85

"And do good. Indeed, Allah loves those who do good." 

Al-Baqarah 2-195

"And He taught Adam all the names."

Al-Baqarah 2-31

(In Christianity God gives Adam the "freedom" to choose the names himself)

"Read! (Iqra!) In the name of your Lord Who created.

      Created man from a blood clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Bountiful. Who taught by the pen. Taught man that which he knew not." 

Gabriel told Mohammad, who was illiterate, to "read" three times.

"And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge."

       - Ta Ha 20-114

"Say ( to them, O Muhammad) : Are those who know equal with those who know not?"

"Seeking `Ilm' is incumbent on every Muslim."

- Ibn Hajar, al-Matalib

"Seeking knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim;

he who offers knowledge to those who do not appreciate it, 

is like the one who decorates pigs with precious stones, pearls and gold."

"People are of substances like the substance of gold and silver:  the best among them in the Jahiliyah are the best in Islam, if they gain knowledge."

- Al-Bukhari (A`ishah)

"The excess of `Ilm is better than the excess of `Ibadah (worship, prayer, fasting etc.), and the best of your religion is the wara( piety, self  restraint)."

- At-Tabarani, al-Bazzar

"You should be a scholar, or a student, or a listener, o a lover of `Ilm and scholars."

- At-Tabarani

"The most honest men of future generations will carry this `Ilm (i.e. Hadith),  they will purify it from the falsification of extremists, and the assumption of the liars, and the misinterpretation of the fools."

- At-Tabrizi, Mishkat al-Masabih…

"Teach! Make things easy! And do not make things complicated! He (peace be upon Him) repeated this three times, then he added:

And if you get angry, keep quiet!"

- Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Abi Shaibah…

"Make things easy! And do not make them complicated! Be cheerful!  And do not be repulsive!"

"Let there be no envy, except in two things:

A man to whom Allah gave a wealth and guided him to spend it in a righteous way. Or a man to whom Allah gave wisdom and he acts wisely and teaches it to others."

- Al-Bukhari and Mjuslim

"Do not acquire knowledge in order to vie with the scholars, and to wrangle with the foolish, and to sit in the best seats: whoever does that his abode will be the Fire, the Fire."

- Ibn Hibban, Sahih 

"My Lord! I ask You for beneficial knowledge, and I seek refuge with You from non-beneficial Knowledge." 

Ibn Hibban, Sahih 

"He who leaves his home in order to seek knowledge, he is in Allah`s path until he returns ( to his home)." 

At-Tirmidhi, Sunan, an Nawawi

"Any person who goes along a course seeking knowledge,  Allah will make for him the path to Paradise easy because of it. And he who is slow-paced in doing good deeds, his noble lineage will not give him priority (into Paradise)."

Muslim, an-Nawawi, ad-Darimi

"Anyone who comes to this mosque of ours in order to learn a good thing, or to teach it, is equal to the Mujahid in the path of Allah…"

Ibn Majah, Sunan;  Mawarid az-Z.

"Whenever Abu d-Darda´ saw the students, he used to say: " Greetings to the seekers of knowledge."

"He who does not respect our elders, and does not mercy our children, and does not honour our scholars, is not one of my community (`Umma)."

- Ibn Hanbal, al,-Hakim…

" Indeed! Acquiring knowledge is done through learning. And anyone who cares about good, it will be given to him, 

and anyone who protects himself from evil, he will be saved from it." 

- Al-Khatib, al-Ifrad

" Two insatiables never get satisfied:

The seeker of `Ilm, and the seeker of worldly (wealth)."

- Ad-Darimi, al-Bazzar: Ibn `Adi

"What I fear for you the most is the argument of a knowledgeable, sharp-tongued hypocrite."

- Sahib, Ibn Hibban 

" The likeness of knowledge which is not diffused is the likeness of a treasure which is not spent in the Way of Allah." 'Sunan, ad-Darimi.

" He who is asked about any kind of knowledge, but he conceals it, will be bridled with a bridle of fire on the Day of Judgement; and he who interprets The Qu`ran without any knowledge, he will come on the Day of Judgement bridled with a bridle of fire."  

- At-Tabarani, As Saghir; Abu Dawud; at-Tirmidhi;

"The virtue of the scholar over the worshipper is like my virtue over the lowest one among you."

- Ad-Darimi. 

" Loving good is natural, andloving evil is obstinacy, and when Allah wills a person good, He makes him comprehend religion."

- Ibn Hibban, Al Bukhari.

"The death of a scholar (`alim)  is an Irreplaceable calamity and irreparable loss, and he (the dead scholar) is  an effaced star. The death of a whole tribe is easier than the death of a scholar. "

Abu Ya`la; Abu Dawud; at Thirmidi.

"Indeed! The scholars are the prophet`s heirs"  

- Abu Dawud

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