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Answers from a written exam

15 boys and girls, age 12, third year of English: 2 years and 3 months.


1st year: 5 lessons a week, 2nd year: 5, 3rd year: 3 lessons a week.


School: Musisches Gymnasium in Salzburg - Austria, with lots of music and art. 

Every one of the students plays one or two musical instruments –therefore their power of concentration and will power is really good. Our school has an entry-exam: only creativity is tested, not intellectual knowledge. It is a state school and not private.

Written Exam – 3 M -   12.12.2002

a) Eight pages –fill in or continue. Quotations from around the world (by heart):

Asia: India, Tibet, China:

Islam and the Arabic world:

The Western World:

The Golden Rule in three Cultures:


If sentences: 

Past Perfect:

Indirect Speech:

Past tense

b) On these eight pages you will find more than 30 pictures. E.g.: Chinese characters, the earth seen from the cosmos, Buddha, Gandhi, Vivekananda, pictures from the Middle East, Muhammad Iqbal, Jesus, Moses, an Arabic sign, the cross, the Jewish symbol, Ying and Yang, Laotzu, Shiva and Om, the symbol of the Bahai faith,  Tolstoy, Dostojewskij and:


a picture of 11 people closely together (in a circle).

c) The Exam:

  1. Lovely girls and boys of 3 M,

Do you like these Chinese characters? You are all “ming” – (2 Chinese characters)-

Like the sun and like the moon = intelligent, bright and brilliant.

I am very happy to be your teacher.

Edwin Zappe (+ a flower)

2. “Collective survival is possible only, when we recognize(x) all the other cultures.”(y)

         The rector of the United Nations University in 1988. 

(x) and love

(y) and religions.

I  Asia: India, Tibet, China:

Please fill in or continue:

1. The Indian poet Tulsidas said:

“Everyone…says and does as much as he has understood.”

2 From the Bhagavad Gita, Gandhi`s favourite book. One cannot understand India without having read the B.G.


3. “There is no wisdom...for a man without harmony and without harmony there is no contemplation; without contemplation there cannot be peace; without peace

can there be joy?

The Bhagavad Gita:

All beings …are born in delusion, the delusion of division, which comes from desire and hate.

4. Tibet:

According to Tibetan medicine… there are three reasons for getting sick:

   1. Aversion. I don`t like people, myself, etc.

2. confusion: I am confused

 3. Attachment: I can be attached to food, alcohol, cigarettes, work, job,…

5.  I always fast to still my mind. India

6. Thoughts alone …create the rounds of birth.     - India

7. I must make my…thoughts like the law.

The refuge (Zuflucht) of all the world is the law. The law has nobody who can resist it. Irresistible is the law. So I must make my thought like the law.

- Buddhism: The Dharmasangiti Sutra

8. The Jains (India):

Consider…humankind as one.

9. What does the origin of the word “Buddha” mean? Intelligent

10. India: Prayer…is my inner coat of mail.

11 China: All under  h…eaven one family.

12 What does “intelligent” mean in Chinese?   To listen

13 What is “stupid” in Chinese?

The holes of the heart are blocked. The divine child cannot be born. The divine light cannot come out.

14 Laotse. Only he who loves is courageous.


II Islam and the Arab world:

  1. Goethe,( the great German poet) said: “He who knows himself and others will realize that the Orient and the Occident cannot be separated, because they are one.

  1. From the Holy Koran: And your Lord says: …”Call on me, I will answer your  


3. The  Holy Koran:

   “If you…have done evil, you have done it to yourself.”

4. The Koran: “O mankind!  We…created

you from a single pair of a male and a female  and made you into nations and tribes that you may know each other, not that you despise each other.

  1. We have learned…in order to give, we have not learned in order to take.

  1.  The Holy  Koran:

Do not take… life which God has made sacred, except by way of justice and law.

6. A Bahai quotation:  “Regard man as a… mine rich in gems of inestimable value “.

 - Baha`u`llah

The Bahaìs are of Persian origin.

8. “The reality of each man is his…thought, not his material body.”

Abdul Baha (Baha’i)

III. The Western World:

1. “You have …stolen my heart, my sister, my bride. You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.”      The Bible

2. “Yet I am not…alone, for my father is with me. I have told… you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world…you will have trouble (z) But…

take heart, I have overcome the world.”

( z): Different translations in the Bible:

Latin. Pressuram: pressure. 

French: dans la detresse- suffering

Spanish : affliccion - affliction

Russian : grief, sorrow

Polish : pressure, affliction.

  1. (Only if you have much time left!): -Tolstoy and Dostojewskij ( the students can see  two photographs of these great writers): 

Dostojewskij and Tolstoy are the greatest novelists of the Western world. Dost.: “The Idiot”. Dost. was sentenced to death by the tsar. Tolstoy: “War and Peace”.


4 The Creation of the World:

The sixth day: The Bible: Let us make…man in our …image, after our likeness…So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created man and woman. Male and female he created them. And he blessed them and said:  “Be fruitful and …multiply.” God saw everything that he had made, and it was very good.


IV: The Golden Rule in three cultures:


1. Islam: No one of you …will become a true believer unless he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.

2. Buddhism: Do not hurt others with that which pains yourself.

3. Christianity: Do to others as you would have others do to you.


V. Africa:


1. Proverb:

Talking…with one another is loving one another.


2. Book: Desert Flower by Waries Dirie:

She is an extraordinary…woman from… Somalia. When she was …thirteen, she ran away from her …family, because she…didn`t want to marry a man of sixty. 

She had…eleven brothers and sisters.

When she ran away, a …truckdriver wanted to… rape her. She…killed him with a stone. Then she…went to London...Later she went all around the world. She is a famous model.


VI. 1. If-sentences, water, please. 3x

a. If I speak nicely to water, what will happen?

b. If I spoke nicely to water, what would happen?

c. If I had spoken nicely to water, what would have happened? 

(Book by Emoto:  Water – the crystals = beautiful mandalas.)


2. After the Arabian prince …had seen (to see) the princess, he…kissed (to kiss) her.


3. Indirect Speech: I like this girl:

He said that he liked that girl.


4. Indirect Speech:  She has never been in London.

She said that she had never been in London.

  1. She has been in our class …for three years.


6. The rule, please: since: Present Perfect:

since  yesterday, since last year, since 1999, since I met you…


7. The rule, please: Past Tense:

I saw my friend… (Not more than six examples, please!

 I saw my friend…yesterday, the day before yesterday, two days ago, the other day, in 1999, when I was in England…



Lovely pupils of mine,


Making mistakes is natural. No person is perfect. I also make mistakes. Mistakes help us to improve (sich verbessern). 


There are about 37 “questions” to be answered- indeed many. If they are too many for one lesson of 50 minutes –don`t bother. That´s OK. (If you don`t finish).

Anyway: You all know these quotations by heart - I don`t. How intelligent you are!


(every pupil finished successfully within  50 minutes. Indeed,  not easy!)

Good luck!

Your teacher

Edwin Zappe

---the end---




P.S. Today was the 30th lesson of 3M.


Marks: In Austria we have five marks: One, two, three, four, five..  One–is the best,  five–is the worst = not passed. In this exam the average of marks was:

1.78=   1.8


Many years ago, when I still lived in Egypt (1973-80), I came across a fascinating book about the meaning and importance of fairy-tales by Bruno Bettelheim: “The Use ofEnchantment.”  

                                                                                                                                 At the beginning of his book, the author gave his idea of a good story:


“For a story to hold the child’s attention, it must entertain him and 

arouse his curiosity. 

But to enrich his life, it must stimulate his imagination, help him to develop his intellect and to clarify his emotions; be attuned to his anxieties and aspirations, give full recognition to his difficulties, while at the same time suggesting solutions to the problems which perturb him. 

In short, it must at one and the same time 

relate to all aspects of his personality—and this without 

ever belittling but, on the contrary, 

giving full credence to the seriousness of the child’s predicaments, while simultaneously promoting confidence in himself and in his future.

Bettelheim here described what was to my mind the perfect (English, History etc.) lesson. I have merely to change the word “story” for “lesson”. Is it not self-evident?


1. The lesson must hold the child’s attention.

2. The lesson must entertain him.

3.  The lesson must stimulate him.

4. The lesson must clarify his emotions.

5.  The lesson must be attuned to his anxieties and aspirations. 

6. The lesson must give full recognition of his difficulties.

7. The lesson must give solutions to the problems which perturb him.

8. The lesson must give confidence in himself and in his future


9. The lesson must relate to all aspects of the personality.


What my students remember

What my students remember

What do my high- school students remember after two years of my teaching English and History?


My former students, aged 17 to 18, High School, Salzburg, Austria, did their final exams in June 2002 (class 8a;  I had taught them English and History for two years-

-17 students in English - the other group had a different English teacher) and 30 students in History. After the exam, during the fare-well party in the evening,  I asked my former lovely students to answer two questions of mine, in  written form,  regarding my teaching: Questions A and B: 

A.     What have I learned for life during my English lessons? 

B.      What will I remember on my death bed?

Many of them, to my great delight, amidst the party, took the pains to write down a few sentences : Let me quote a few examples:


1.    S. K.: girl (In English).

A.    I have come to know about different cultures, different realms, visions, dreams and viewpoints. 

     Through this I have gained new opportunities to solve problems, and to find alternative ways.

I have learned to monitor my feelings and thoughts, express them and ask myself: Why do I feel like this? How do other people feel in similar situations? ( Bold letters are mine).

     B.  One of the greatest fears human 

           beings can suffer from is death. 

           The others are birth, ageing, and 

           illness. At the time of death I will have

            experienced all of these- so I  

           don't have to fear death " it 

           might not be the end, but a new  start.


2.    C. R.- girl. (original in German):


How to get on with other human beings; to approach other human beings openly and without prejudice; 

to respect their opinions. I have learnt a lot about myself and therefore I am extremely thankful to you! (a drawing - "a smiling face).

B.    Buddhism: I don't have to be afraid of dying when I look upon death as part of my everyday life and when I am looking forward to one more interesting experience.


3.    T. Sch.  boy

A.    A different approach to various problems. We have learnt about things which, I believe, we would not have heard about in our future life. My horizon has certainly been widened because of your totally different approach to various problems.

B.    In sorrow seek happiness.

( Edwin- This is a quotation from "The Brothers Karamasov."

I hope that I will not have to think of Hamlet: " I have had a good living, but I have never really lived." ( Edwin: This is snot Hamlet, but a Kuebler Ross quotation about a terminally sick patient and one of  her last words on the deathbed.

4.  P.S..- girl.  Translation.

A.  To have an interest in the needs of other human beings. Not to concentrate myself on myself only.. To be able to approach other human beings openly.

B. " My character is my destiny." (Edwin: Quotation from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). Self-realization is the only way to attain happiness.


5.  M.P. -girl   

A.  To think independently and to be open to everything that life brings:

Different cultures, languages, a lot of different and interesting people. Joy + love!!

Once upon a time there was a teacher who brought an inspiring spirit into our school-lessons. I THANK HIM SO MUCH !! (smiling face).


6.  H.R. - boy

A.  Being open and tolerant towards new things. No quick and hasty judgements

about people and situations. The basis of forgiving is understanding.


B.    Though I am convinced that planet earth will continue to spin around itself once I am gone, I do hope that I will have lived in such a way that I will be content with both, my life and with myself.


7.  K.- girl

A.    To look behind facts and to question lots of things.

B.    (No answer)


8  D. P.  girl

A.    It is up to each one of us-to some extent- to shape our own lives. One should enjoy each beautiful moment and one should learn from negative experiences.

B.    This is a very difficult question, because I have not been in this situation yet, but I think at the moment of death my whole life will pass in front of my eyes and I think…( Edwin; I cannot read this sentence).


9    E.M. K.- girl

A.    Seeing a problem from all sides;

Looking at others  without prejudice; never to stop seeking for new things to learn. Combining 

Mr Szigeti's (Edwin: teacher of psychology and philosophy- different worldview to myself)

view of life with that of Mr Zappe - I think I am still trying to!

B.    The Tibetan book of Living and Dying (Edwin: by Sogyal Rinpoche) -   death is a prerequisite of life; I will remember life and its beauty at that moment-

I will close my eyes and behold this beauty.


10  S.  boy; translation.

A. Learning from the womb to the tomb; one should work on one's character-building. If one treats other human beings nicely, they will also treat one in the same way.( Edwin: A quotation from Persia: "  If your word is sweet, you will conquer the whole world; wherever you go, you will win the hearts of people." Or " I am a mirror and whoever speaks of me, nicely or badly, he(she) will always speak about himself (herself)- Omar Khayam.


11. M.M. -boy 

A.  The most important: One should never look at a situation from only one angle and should not  forget that there are other things to consider. (Edwin: Confucius: "A gentleman can see a question from all sides without bias; the ordinary man is biased and can see a question from only one side."

B.  Dr. Kuebler Ross: I hope that I will be able to say that I have lived deeply  and then I will be able to pass peacefully to the beyond.


12  G. K.  girl, translation,

A. I have learnt to see other human beings impartially and also not to judge them according to their skin-colour or their origin.

B. I hope I will remember the most beautiful moments of my life (now I am unable to think of anything concrete).


13  D.- boy, translation

A.  It is not so important to know a lot, but to know the important things I life and to think properly.  All action is the fruit of life. (Edwin: a Buddhist saying).

B.  Search for knowledge from the cradle to the grave. (Edwin: this is from the Quran).


14.  K and Ph. girl and boy together:

A.  Things can be seen from different angles and will give different perspectives.

B.  Two quotations: 1. Ideas have consequences. ¦2.  Where there is suffering there is holy ground. (Edwin-  Oscar Wilde).


15  S.E.  girl, translation

A.    There are also other human beings, not only Austrians.

We have managed to evolve from the Mental Consciousness into the Integral Consciousness.

B.    I believe that death is not the end!!!


16.   D. L.-girl

A.  I cannot remember what I said in my oral exam, but I simply have learned that it is important to be open and to be aware of one thoughts at any given time.

B.  My character is my destiny.


17. S.S. -  boy

A.  I have learned a lot about other cultures and religions. It is important to overcome my ego in order to be able to love the other one ( my fellow being).

B.  I hope to have lived a life similar to the one of a Zen Buddhist: living in the present.

Grammar packed in wisdom

Grammar Packed in wisdom

Samples of my: Grammar Packed in Wisdom

“Gnotis auton”(Greek): Know thyself

“Empty the boat of your life” 
- Dhammapada, Buddha


"When a man has no lust and no hatred he walks safely among the things of lust and hatred."
- Bhagavad Gita, India

"I am a mirror and whoever speaks of me, nicely or badly, always speaks of himself."
- Omar Khayyam,  Persia


"Lightly, sprightly to the dance I go, the sun shines brightly on the court below."
- China, 600 B.C.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick."
- African proverb

5. “I am sleeping on the table tonight”, said an Italian sister laughing. “We have so many sisters living here that we have to sleep…on the tables, on the benches and on the floor. I sleep well.”
- Mother Theresa


"Those who can hear properly will hear. Those who can see rightly will see."
- Idries Shah

"O Youth with song and laughter, go not so lightly by. Have pity – and remember, how soon thy roses die."

Any, Some:

"Holy people do not desire any object. Good and holy people transcend pleasure and pain."
- The Dhammapada, Buddhism

"If you do evil to someone who is good, the evil will return to you like light dust thrown up against the wind."
- The Dhammapada, Buddhism

"And their Lord answered them, 'I do not waste the labour of any that labours among them, be you male or female – one of you is as the other.'"

- The Holy Quran


Comparison,  Comparative, etc.
"The winds and the waves are always on the side of  the ablest  navigators."

"The richest of riches is kindliness."
- The Kural, by Tiruvalluvar, India

"There is nothing more glorious than to persist in the advance of the community."
- The Kural


"When you threaten a weaker than yourself, think of yourself in front of a bully."

- The Kural

"Men unsure of the next moment make more than a million plans."

- The Kural

"I am  nearer to you than your jugular vein."
- The Holy Quran

"To eat alone what one has hoarded is worse than begging."
- The Kural, India

"It is compassion (love), the most gracious of virtues,  which moves the world."
- The Kural

"There is nothing higher than Dharma (the Law of the cosmos, the Straight Path)."
- Taittiriya Upanishad, India

"…even when wrath is effective, there is no greater evil than wrath…Wrath kills the smile in the face and the joy in the heart. Has there ever been a greater enemy to man?"

- The Kural

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?"

- Grimm’s Fairy Tales

"East or West, home is best."

- English proverb

"No temple is more beautiful than one`s mother."

"Sharper than a serpent`s tooth it is to have a thankless child."

- King Lear

"The highest beauty is the beauty of personality."
- A Sufi saying

"They were singing and dancing and exchanging little gifts of flowers and cakes. It was by far the biggest holiday of the year."
- The Peace Book

"A stone thrown at the right time is better than gold given at the wrong time."

- Persian proverb

"There is nothing worse than hasty friendship, because friends once made cant be abandoned."
- The Kural

As…as, so…as:
"No sinner is so foolish as he who lurks at the door of another’s wife."
- The Kural

"The lotus rises with water, and a man rises as high as his will."
- The Kural

"The more violent the love, the more violent the anger."

"The highest bliss on earth is the joy of personality."
- J. Wolfgang von Goethe, Germany


"Wrath kills the smile in the face and the joy in the heart? Is there a greater enemy to man than this?"
- The Kural


"Even when wrath is effective, there is no greater evil than wrath."

- The Kural

"For the Moslem world, the Koran is the greatest work of 'literature'. Unfortunately, for almost everyone else it is literally a closed book."

"Health, contentment and trust are your greatest possessions, and  freedom your greatest joy."
- The Dhammapada, Buddhism

"A smile is the shortest distance between two human beings."

"The greatest monarch on the proudest throne is obliged to sit on his own ass."

"Of all valuable possessions  the greatest is the quality of  universal benevolence."

"Possession of wealth is found even with the meanest of mankind."
- The Kural

God is greatest,
God is greatest,
God is greatest,
God is greatest.
- A Muslim prayer that is whispered into a newborn baby’s ears.


"Our happiest times are those in which we forget ourselves."

"You are more precious than both heaven and earth."

"Sell not yourself at little price being so precious in God’s eyes."
- Arabic poet


Every, Each, Everyone, Everything: 
Sentences 1 – 7: Human rights in Islam: HR


1. Every person has the right to be treated in accordance with the Law, and only in accordance with the Law. 
2. Every person has not only the right but also the obligation to protest against injustice.


3. It is the right and duty of every person to defend the rights of any other person and the community in general (Hisbah). 
4. It is the right and duty of every Muslim to refuse to obey any command which is contrary to the Law, no matter by whom it may be issued.


5. Every person has the right to express his thoughts and beliefs so long as he remains within the limits prescribed by the Law.

6. Pursuit of knowledge and search after truth is not only a right but a duty to every Muslim. Every person has the right to freedom of conscience and to worship in accordance with his religious beliefs.

7. Every married woman is entitled 
to inherit from her husband, her parents, her children and other relatives according to the Law.

"Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion."
- Thich Nhat Hanh, French Vietnam

"Peace and joy in each toy –My own peace and joy."
- Thich Nhat Hanh


"The purpose of life is to arrive at a stage where each moment becomes fruitful. Does that mean fruits for oneself? No, trees do not bear fruits for themselves, but for others."
- A Sufi saying (Islam)

"Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand."
- The Bible


"It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
- The Bible


"That you may have pleasure in  everything, seek pleasure in nothing…
That you may possess all things, seek to possess nothing,
That you may be everything, 
Seek to be nothing."
- St. John of the Cross and Indian wisdom


"Everyone that asks receives; and he that seeks, finds."
- The Bible, Matthew


"The wise man: He will be loved by those who are good and hated by those who are not."
- The Buddha


"An old cat will not learn."
- Maroccan proverb

"You will see great sorrow and in that sorrow you will be happy…
This is my last message to you: 
In sorrow seek happiness. "
- The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky

"Fear God and God will give you knowledge."
- Baha’u’llah

"I will tell you a secret: Nothing, in truth, is more extraordinary than humanity."

- Mahabharata, India


The Genitive: ‘s
"Man’s nature is pure."
- The Holy Quran

"It is not for me to judge another’s life."
- Siddharta, Hermann Hesse

"Maybe God’s will is best attained through consultation."
- Shoghi Effendi, Bahai



"If you do evil to someone who is good, to someone who is 'pure' and 
'free from sin', the evil will return to you like light dust thrown up against the wind."
- Buddha


"If Allah were to punish people for their wrong actions, not a single creature would be left upon the earth, …"
- The Holy Quran, 14:42

"If I built a village upon the hill, along the river  in the woods, there would be rabbits leaping in the sun."

- Kazue Mizumura: If I Built a Village

"Men cannot be our enemies, even men called Vietcong!
If we kill men, what brothers will we have left? With whom shall we live then?"
- Thich Nhat Hanh

"If your word is sweet, you will conquer the whole world; wherever you go, you will win the hearts of men."

- Sa`di , Persia

"If you are reluctant to ask the way, you will be lost.
If you were …you would be …
If you had been …you would have been lost."

- Burmese proverb
"If nobody uses guns, we will not need soldiers. If nobody used guns, we would not…
If nobody had used guns, we would not have used guns."

"If any individual should speak ill of one who is absent, it is incumbent upon his hearers, in a spiritual and friendly manner, to stop him, and say in effect: would this detraction serve any useful purpose?"
- Baha’u’llah, founder of the Bahai faith.


"The change must begin with ME:  This is the most radical principle upon which all deep thinking should be based: There is an ancient wisdom which says that if everybody sweeps in front of his own door, then it will be clean everywhere. But where does the UNO sweep? Where do the virtuous people sweep? Where do the ethical cooperations sweep? Where do the political parties sweep? In front of their own door?
There is ancient Eastern wisdom:
When you want to put the country in order, you must put the provinces in order.
When you want to put the provinces in order, you must put the cities in order.
When you want to put the cities in order, you must put the families in order. 
When you want to put your own family in order, 
You must put yourself in order."
- The Lola-Principle, R. Egli

"We cannot solve problems of an unlimited life with limited thinking."
- The Lola- Principle, R. Egli


Neither  -   Nor

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
- The Bible, Galatians 3.28

"He who does not feel unity in himself, can neither love nor can he be loved."
- H. Danesh, Landegg Academy


Past Tense:

"Then she asked simple questions; but simple questions cannot be answered."
- Osho / Rajneesh, India


“ To cross the seas in those days
was for the Hindus much more than a mere adventurous voyage. It meant a revolutionary act of defiance against society, for there was a taboo against sea-voyage and severe penalties were  prescribed for the culprits…"

- R. Tagore: 1861 - 1941

"He insulted me, he hurt me, he defeated me, he robbed me. Those who do not think such thoughts will be free from hate."
- The  Buddha

"The forest lion and the bull were linked in friendship, growing full;
a jackal, then, estranged the friends, for greedy and malicious ends."
- Panchatantra, India

"I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, - my wrath did grow."
- William Blake


Present Perfect:

"Monks; it is not easy to find a human being who has not  formerly been  your father or your mother, your brother or your sister, your son or your daughter."
- The Buddha

"You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace."
- Song of Songs, The Bible

"Have you ever given orders to the morning or have you shown the dawn its place? Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea? Have you seen the gates of the shadow of death? Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this?"

- Job, the Bible

Archimedes, the scientist from Greece, said:  "Eureka! Eureka! I have found it! I have found it!"

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, I have come to bring a sword."
- Jesus, Mathew, the Bible

"O Great Spirit grant that I will never judge another man until I have walked in his moccasins for two weeks."
- A Sioux Indian

"Everyone says and does as much as he/she has understood."
- Tulsidas, India

"Ever since man first started to roam this planet he has primarily concentrated on one thing: himself."
- The Peace  Book

"If you have done evil, you have done it to yourself."

"We have learned in order to give, we have not learned in order to take."

- Arabic proverb

"The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings—and why the sea is boiling hot—and whether pigs have wings."

- Through the Looking, Glass, Lewis Carroll


“In these twenty years of work amongst the people, I have come more and more to realize that it is being unwanted that is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience. Nowadays we have found medicine for leprosy and fortunately, lepers can be cured…For all kinds of diseases, there are medicines and cures. But for being unwanted, except there are willing hands to serve, and there is a loving heart to love, I don’t think this terrible disease can ever be cured."
- Mother Theresa

"The world has not promised anything to anybody."

Lament in Old age:
“Every tooth has crumbled, dropped, and fallen in decay.”

Persia, around 900 A.D.

"Sweet words are those that proceed from the lips of a person whose heart is filled with love, whose speech is guileless, and who has discovered the true nature of reality."


"'Give us time. We are young.' – I have heard so many Africans say these words.
- D. Lamb

"The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
- The Bible, Job


"And whosoever has done ill, an atom’s weight will see it then."
- The Qur’an

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